I made a change in the blogger configuration to ease the later work when blogging. It is possible that older entries are not correctly formatted.

Friday, 25 April 2014

for loop with spaces

I used to use a "for"-loop over a result of a `cat file` in order to apply on each line. But this does not work very well with spaces... Therefore I looked for a better solution which I kept forgetting. The trick is to use the "read command a in the example below:
find ... | while read -r dir
    something with "$dir"

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Gerrit - Code Review for Git Based projects

While preparing for a talk on testing and playing along with git. I had the opportunity to take a closer look
at gerrit. Gerrit is a Framework which allows decentralised teams to
have a code review mechanism, as illustrated in the Gerrit documentation (see the quick intro).

This could be a very nice way to introduce code quality in a team, as well as to ensure scalability.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Git and Sharing

This page sums up different ways of sharing repositories with git:http://www.jedi.be/blog/2009/05/06/8-ways-to-share-your-git-repository/. I have not had time yet to check it completely, but it seems to answer a few questions I had been asking myself.