I found this link on http://viralpatel.net/blogs/2009/07/20-very-useful-eclipse-ide-shortcuts-for-developers.html.
I found the following shortcuts really great:
# Alt + Shift + L : Extract to Local Variable
Say you have the following method:
public void myTest(){
String finalVariable = "first part" + "second part"+ "third part";
if you select "first part" + "second part" and use the short cut :
Alt + Shift + L : Extract to Local Variable
Then eclipse ask for the name of the new local variable, e.g firstTwoParts, and the method looks like:
public void myTest(){
String firstTwoParts = "first part" + "second part";
String finalVariable = firstTwoParts + "third part";
# Alt + Shift + M : Extract to Method
The same also works with methods. Say you have the following method:
public final static void main(String[] args){
if (args.length >2){
if you select the whole if statement up to the }, and use the shortcut: Alt + Shift + M eclipse prompts for the name of the method and creates the parameter, for args.
# Alt + Shift + W : show the class in the package view.
Well I did not know that. But this is very useful, because I often need it.
# Ctrl+Q : Last edit
There is also a button to find this. But a short cut is even better.
# Alt + Left or Alt + Right : Navigate Left and Right
I knew this one but this is also very useful, since it is much quicker than using the mouse every time.