I made a change in the blogger configuration to ease the later work when blogging. It is possible that older entries are not correctly formatted.

Monday 8 March 2010


I bought a number of linux magazine during my week holiday and discovered a number of new interesting, useful things:

  • Ubuntu One, a way to store data on some ubuntu servers to share it with other ubuntu users (I must check that)
  • Writer's Cafe, a tool helping creative writing
  • impro-visor, some GPL software working with lead sheets.

And one thing I really found useful is: commandlinefu (http://www.commandlinefu.com/). This site provides a way for people to advertise useful commandline tricks. I should probably follow them, I will learn a lot. And it already started.

I already learnt a new useful command: youtube-dl. Say you have some google URL:


And you want to get the url of the file being downloaded, then you can use (-b for best quality and -g for just getting the url): $> youtube-dl -b -g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1504cSBhWG0

Of course this command has a certain number of options.