This is a high level overview of the dojo toolkit.
- Function called on load
- package framework
- a DOM element retrieval mechanism
- a number of Widgets
- Helper Methods
- Dojo Array Methods
- dojo.connect - Event mechanism
- Parsing, formatting and validation of numbers and dates
- Ajax request tools
- An history and bookmarking mechanism
- Event System tools
- Animation tools
- I18n tools (Internationalization)
Loading the dojo code
The code of dojo can be loaded from I would like to try loading it from the web server.
Function called on load
As for other web frameworks, you can have different function called on load:
dojo.addOnLoad(funtion( // code to perform on load ));
package framework
The dojo toolkit provides a package mechanism, the code is used in the following way:
dojo.require('dojo.fx');loads the dojo.fx package.
a DOM element retrieval mechanism
Dojo provides a number of methods to retrieve elements of the DOM document. For instance, dojo.byId('myId'); retrieves the element with the id 'myId' just as document.getElementById would.
Just as other frameworks dojo provides also a query mechanism.
From the dojo documentation:
// all <h3> elements
// all <h3> elements which are first-child of their parent node
// a node with id="main"
// all <h3> elements within a node with id="main"
dojo.query('#main h3')
// a <div> with an id="main"
// all <h3> elements within a div with id="main"
dojo.query('div#main h3')
// all <h3> elements that are immediate children of a <div>, within node with id="main"
dojo.query('#main div > h3')
// all nodes with class="foo"
// all nodes with classes "foo" and "bar"
// all <h3> elements that are immediate children of a node with id="main"
dojo.query('#main > h3')
A number of Widgets
The dojo toolkit provides a number of widgets. These can be retrieved by the dijit.byId() method.
Dojo Array Methods
Dojo provides some other useful methods for example: dojo.forEach(). A similar method can be used on the resuklt of a dojo.query().
Dojo also provides filter and map functions. filters an array and returns all the elements verifying a given property. The map function applies some function on all the elements of an array and returns a new array of new values.
The functions dojo.some() and dojo.every() checking that some property is true for some, respectively all the elements of the array
dojo.connect - Event mechanism
The dojo toolkit provides the dojo.connect methods which allows to connect some event to a given event.