I made a change in the blogger configuration to ease the later work when blogging. It is possible that older entries are not correctly formatted.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Conversion m4a to MP3

I needed to convert a few m4a files to mp3. After looking in Internet. I found a nice way working with fedora (see this thread):

$> faad -o songfile.wav songfile.m4a
$> lame songfile.wav songfile.mp3
$> rm songfile.wav

Note that the command faad differs a little from the one given in the thread, but man faad did not seem to offer the way given in the thread.

So I performed a small bash command script:

$> for a in m4a-files/*.m4a ; do filename=`basename "$a"`; faad -o ess.wav "$filename" ; lame ess.wav `basename "$filename" .m4a `.mp3; done ; rm ess.wav

if faad2 and lame are not on your system, they can be installed from rpmfusion using:

root $> yum -y install lame faad2