I made a change in the blogger configuration to ease the later work when blogging. It is possible that older entries are not correctly formatted.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

mail to /dev/null

At work we has one or two cases where it would be useful to send mails to /dev/null.

Looking in google for a solution lead to the following solution (presented in
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/120587/what-is-the-best-way-to-forward-a-single-qmail-alias-to-dev-null) either create an alias with only a comment and no delivery instructions:

$> echo "# drop all messages on the floor" > ~alias/.qmail-devnull
(note the # indicating a comment) or with
$> echo -e '|cat >/dev/null' "\n" > ~alias/.qmail-devnull
note however that the first seems nicer to me.